How do I select only specific QA/Certification data to submit?
To add only specific QA and/or Certification data to the File Submission Queue, you first need to ensure that the tests or events have been evaluated. Then you should:
1. Go to the Submit module.
2. Highlight the Monitoring Plan Configuration of interest.
3. Verify that the QA Data box is enabled* and is checked.
4. Click on the Details button in the Files Available for Submission panel. The Test Selection screen will be generated.
5. Select the specific item(s) you would like to add to the File Submission Queue and click the Continue button. The QA/Certification data selected will be added to the File Submission Queue.
6. Submit the data.
* Note that if the QA Data checkbox is NOT enabled, either 1) there is no QA data in the Client Tool for the location selected that needs to be submitted, or 2) that data has not yet been evaluated and therefore is not available to submit.
Tags: QA data, submission
Last update: 2016-06-23 19:40