How Monitoring Plan Data are handled during Import


Monitoring plan data that are imported into the Client Tool are merged with the existing monitoring plan data.  This is done to ensure that the monitoring plan history is maintained.


How the data are merged is determined by a comparison of the data between the data in the XML file and the data in the Client Tool database.  The comparison is performed on the key fields for each type of monitoring plan data.  The data types and corresponding key fields are listed below in the table.  Some data types have more than one set of key fields which are used for comparison.  This allows for comparison of records that are active (i.e., EndDate is null) and records that are no longer active (i.e., EndDate is not null).


There are two results that can occur based on the comparison of the key fields:


1.   If the key fields match between the data in the XML file and the data in the Client Tool, the Client Tool proceeds to update any other data fields associated with that data type.  For example, if the MonitoringLoadData key fields match, but the MaximumLoadValue is different, the Client Tool will update the MaximumLoadValue in the Client Tool with the value from the XML file.


2.   If a match on key fields cannot be made, the Client Tool will insert a new record based on the data in the XML file.  For example, if the MonitoringLoadData in the XML does not match any of the MonitoringLoadData in the Client Tool, the Client Tool will add a new record using all of the values from the MonitoringLoadData in the XML file.



Because the data are merged, monitoring plan data are never deleted during an import.  If there are data (based on key fields) which are in the Client Tool but not in the XML file, the data in the Client Tool will not be deleted or altered in any way.


Correcting Monitoring Plan Data through Import


In the transition to ECMPS, the monitoring plan data submitted through EDRs will be transferred to the new EPA Host System which supports all of the XML data reporting.  For a number of reasons, including new requirements, the monitoring plan data will need to be modified in order to pass the evaluation checks.  The data can be modified in the Client Tool or by importing the modified monitoring plan data into the Client Tool.


If monitoring plan data are imported into the Client Tool, there is a potential that the data after the merge will not look like the data in the XML file.  The reason for this is because of the manner in which the merge takes place.  The merge must use key fields in order to compare data between the XML file and Client Tool database.  If the data which must be corrected is a key field, the comparison will fail to find a match between the XML file and the Client Tool.


For example, if the MonitoringLoadData BeginDate needs to be corrected from 1/1/2007 to 2/1/2007, the XML file will have the value for the MonitoringLoadData BeginDate as 2/1/2007 while the existing data in the Client Tool will have the date as 1/1/2007.  The comparison during the merge will fail to find a match in the Client Tool for the 2/1/2007 date which is in the XML file.  As described above, the failure to find a match on the key fields will result in the data in the XML file being inserted into the Client Tool database.  Then, at the end of the import, there will be two MonitoringLoadData records in the Client Tool.  The original one with the BeginDate of 1/1/2007 and the one from the XML file with the BeginDate of 2/1/2007.  To complete the correction, the original MonitoringLoadData record with the 1/1/2007 BeginDate needs to be deleted from the Client Tool.


These merging issues will only exist until the monitoring plan has been submitted to the EPA Host System.  At that point in time, all of the key fields will have been updated and subsequent imports of the monitoring plan should only include updates to data which already exist in the Client Tool (changes to non-key fields) or new data which are being added to the Client Tool.






UnitStackPipeID + ComponentID + BeginDate +Begin Hour or

UnitStackPipeID + ComponentID + EndDate  + EndHour (if EndDate is not null)


UnitStackPipeID + ComponentID


UnitStackPipeID + ParameterCode + DefaultPurposeCode + FuelCode + OperatingConditionCode + BeginDate + BeginHour or

UnitStackPipeID + ParameterCode + DefaultPurposeCode + FuelCode + OperatingConditionCode + EndDate + EndHour (if EndDate is not null)


UnitStackPipeID + FormulaID


UnitStackPipeID + BeginDate + BeginHour or

UnitStackPipeID + EndDate + EndHour (if EndDate is not null)




UnitStackPipeID + BeginDate or

UnitStackPipeID + EndDate (if EndDate is not null)


UnitStackPipeID + ParameterCode + BeginDate + BeginHour or

UnitStackPipeID + ParameterCode + EndDate + EndHour (if EndDate is not null)


MonitoringPlanComment + BeginDate or

MonitoringPlanComment + EndDate (if EndDate is not null)


UnitStackPipeID + QualificationTypeCode + BeginDate or

UnitStackPipeID + QualificationTypeCode + EndDate (if EndDate is not null)


UnitStackPipeID + QualificationTypeCode + QualificationDataYear


UnitStackPipeID + QualificationTypeCode + QualificationYear


UnitStackPipeID + ComponentTypeCode + SpanScaleCode + BeginDate + BeginHour or

UnitStackPipeID + ComponentTypeCode + SpanScaleCode + EndDate + EndHour (if EndDate is not null)


UnitStackPipeID + MonitoringSystemID


UnitStackPipeID + MonitoringSystemID + ComponentID


UnitStackPipeID + MonitoringSystemID + BeginDate + BeginHour or

UnitStackPipeID + MonitoringSystemID + EndDate + EndHour (if EndDate is not null)


UnitStackPipeID + BeginDate + BeginHour or

UnitStackPipeID + EndDate + EndHour (if EndDate is not null)






UnitID + BeginDate or

UnitID + EndDate (if EndDate is not null)


UnitID + ParameterCode + ControlCode + InstallDate or

UnitID + ParameterCode + ControlCode + RetireDate (if RetireDate is not null)


UnitID + FuelCode + BeginDate or

UnitID + FuelCode + EndDate (if EndDate is not null)


StackPipeID + UnitID


Tutorials:  To watch various tutorials that briefly explain some of the main aspects of the ECMPS Client Tool, visit the ECMPS Support website.


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