Selecting Files to Submit


To submit data to the EPA Host System, click the SUBMIT module button in the Menu Panel in the lower left corner of the screen.  You must be logged into the EPA Host System to submit data.  If you are not logged into the EPA Host System, you will be prompted to do so.  Each time you enter the SUBMIT module, the Client Tool will connect to the EPA Host System to ensure the data in your Client Tool are synchronized with the most recently loaded data in the EPA Host System. If the data in the Client Tool are not synchronized with data in the EPA Host System, you will be prompted to select the facilities that you want to synchronize.  If a monitoring plan in your local Client Tool does not match the monitoring plan on the EPA Host System, it will be displayed in the Synchronize Data window.  To update the monitoring plan data, you must click the check box for the location and click the Continue button (see image below).  


The Synchronize Data popup box has check boxes on the left side of the main data grid. Check these boxes to synchronize the Monitoring Plans with the EPA Host.



In the Working Panel, choose the SUBMIT PROCESSING MODE by clicking one of the radio buttons.  You can choose to INCLUDE FILES WITH CRITICAL ERRORS or EXCLUDE FILES WITH CRITICAL ERRORS (see image below).  If you add files to the FILE SUBMISSION QUEUE and then switch to a different SUBMIT PROCESSING MODE (e.g., from Include to Exclude), all files will be removed from the queue and you will be forced to add all files to the queue again.  




Highlight a facility in the MONITORING PLAN CONFIGURATION grid in the center of the screen.  Use the FILES AVAILABLE FOR SUBMISSION selection box on the right side of the screen to select file types to submit.  If a particular file type is not available to submit , the corresponding check box will be disabled.  To be available to submit, the file must be evaluated and the correct SUBMIT PROCESSING MODE must be selected.  For instance, if a file contains Critical Level 1 errors and the SUBMIT PROCESSING MODE is EXCLUDE FILES WITH CRITICAL ERRORS, then the file will not be available to submit.  You must choose to INCLUDE FILES WITH CRITICAL ERRORS before this file will be available to submit.


The grid indicates two statuses for each monitoring plan location.  The Status column indicates the state of the monitoring plan -- Active, Inactive, Becoming Inactive, or Future.  The Submission Status column indicates whether this monitoring plan is available for submission.  There are several criteria used to determine if a file is available to submit to the EPA Host System, such as the evaluation status and the timeframe of the submission.






Needs Evaluation

MP in local Client Tool does not match MP on the EPA Host System

Evaluate MP

MP Already Submitted

MP in local Client Tool matches MP on EPA Host System


All Data Already Submitted

MP and all associated data in the Client Tool have been submitted


Highest Level of Error Link

MP in local Client Tool does not match MP on the EPA Host System and the changes have been evaluated for errors

Submit MP

In Process

The data are in the process of being submitted

Check for updated status at a later time

Out of Synch

MP in local Client Tool does not match the MP on the EPA Host System

Synchronize MP



If the submission status is "Needs Evaluation," then the monitoring plan has been changed and needs to be evaluated for errors before it can be submitted to the EPA Host System.  A status of "MP Already Submitted" means that the monitoring plan has not been changed and does not need to be submitted, and the status "All Data Already Submitted" means that the associated QA and EM data have been submitted, as well.  If there is a link in the Submission Status column that displays the highest level of error in the monitoring plan, such as "No Errors" or "Non-critical Error," then the monitoring plan is available for submission.  "In Process" is an interim status that indicates the file has been submitted and is being processed.  When the submission process is complete, the status will be updated.  If the submission status is "Out of Synch," then the monitoring plan in your local Client Tool does not match the monitoring plan on the EPA Host System.  To submit this monitoring plan, you must synchronize the monitoring data with the EPA Host System using the EPA Host menu at the top of the Client Tool screen (see image below).  


The Synchronize Data function is located under the EPA Host dropdown menu at the top of the screen.

 The different data types are hierarchically dependent.  In order to submit QA or emissions data, the monitoring plan data must have been submitted.  In order to submit emissions data, the monitoring plan and QA data must have been submitted.  You can submit all file types simultaneously and the Client Tool will process the files in the correct order.


The following table shows when you are able to submit each type of data.




Data Type

Time Period

Monitoring Plan

Any time updates are made


Unsubmitted Tests

Any time

Previously Submitted Tests

With EPA permission


Unsubmitted Data

During reporting periods

Previously Submitted Data

With EPA permission




Monitoring plan data can be submitted at any time and should be submitted after any updates are made.  Unsubmitted QA tests can be submitted anytime, but previously submitted tests can only be resubmitted with EPA permission.  Unsubmitted emissions data can be reported during the current quarterly reporting period, but to submit data from previous quarters you would need EPA permission.


For QA data, you can view the individual tests, events, and extensions and exemptions that are available for submission by clicking the details button in the files available for submission panel.


For emissions data, a list of quarters of available emissions data will appear under the emissions check box.  Individual quarters can be selected for submission using the corresponding check boxes. 


When you have selected the data types to submit for the highlighted monitoring plan configuration, click the add selected files to queue button.  To add all available file types for all monitoring plan configurations to the file submission queue, click the add all configurations to queue button. 


Submission Access Report


The submission access report is accessed from the submit reports section of the submit module action panel (see image below).  It includes information on the submission availability and evaluation status of monitoring plan, QA test and certification, test extension/exemption, and emissions data.





Submitting Files with Critical Errors    


You may submit data with Critical Level 1 errors in order to meet regulatory deadlines, but the data will not be loaded into the EPA Host System.  Files submitted with Critical Level 1 errors will be received by the EPA Host System, but only the evaluation results will be added to the EPA Host System.  You are required to correct all Critical Level 1 errors and resubmit the data to the EPA.


Resubmission of QA/Certification Tests


Once a QA/certification test has been submitted to EPA, it cannot be resubmitted, and it will not appear on the list of tests available for submission.  If you wish to resubmit a test, you must request permission from EPA.  After EPA grants permission, you must resynchronize with the EPA Host System so that the test will appear on the list of files available for submission.


Tutorials:  To watch various tutorials that briefly explain some of the main aspects of the ECMPS Client Tool, visit the ECMPS Support website.


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