Edit an Existing Monitoring Plan


      You can edit monitoring plan data in three ways:  1) Using the Client Tool add/edit screens (for Monitoring Plan and Quality Assurance data only); 2) Revising data in the data acquisition and handling system (DAHS) and importing the revised XML file into the Client Tool; and 3) Modifying an existing XML file outside of the Client Tool and importing the file into the Client Tool (not recommended).  If you choose to edit your data, you will need to use the ECMPS Monitoring Plan Reporting Instructions.  The check specifications can be accessed by clicking the check code link in the check code/result column of the Evaluation Report, which will open the Check Specifications Viewer.  


Navigating Monitoring Plan Data Screen


      To edit monitoring plan data, click the monitoring plan data module button in the Menu Panel in the lower left corner of the screen.  Click the add/edit monitoring plan data link in the Module Action Panel.  Highlight the facility that you want to edit or select a facility in the facility id (orispl) dropdown box at the top of the screen and click the filter button.  To clear the filter, click the clear filter button.  When you have selected a facility, click the continue button in the lower right corner of the Working Panel.  This will bring up the add/edit monitoring plan data screen.  


The grid that appears in the add/edit monitoring plan data screen will be populated with data from the first location in the location dropdown box.  Users can switch between facility locations by using this dropdown box which is found in the top right-hand corner of the screen.  The locations are listed alphabetically by group.  The group order is active/future stacks/pipes, active/future units, inactive stacks/pipes, and inactive units.  


The add/edit monitoring plan data screen is divided into two sections.  The top section is organized by tabs indicating monitoring plan record types (i.e., Methods, Components, Systems, etc.).  On each tab, the grid displays the individual records of that type contained in the monitoring plan for the selected facility/location.  Clicking on the rows in the grid will select that record.  You can sort each of the columns by clicking the column headers.  An arrow on the right side of a column header indicates that the records are sorted by the data contained in that column (by default, the records are sorted by the first column).  


The lower section of the screen displays the fields contained in the highlighted record.  To display the fields for a record, click the row in the top grid and the fields will be displayed in the lower section.  Only the relevant tabs for a facility/location are displayed.  For example, the stack and pipes tab will only appear if you have selected a stack/pipe location.  Additional records may be added by clicking the ADD button located near the lower right corner of the grid.  Records may also be deleted by clicking the remove? link located in the far right column of the top grid.  You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of records.  


Ensuring Data Validity


The Client Tool ensures that only valid data are stored in the Client Tool database by preventing you from entering invalid data.  The following categories of data validation are enforced on the Add/Edit Monitoring Plan Data screen:


●    Valid data type (e.g., date, number, text) and format (e.g., field length, number of decimal places)


●    Valid range of values (minimum values for some numeric and date fields and maximum values for some date fields)


●    Read-only property prevents modification of key fields in existing records


●    Dropdown lists only contain values from a list of valid codes


"Smart" Dropdown Lists


      The values of certain fields, such as Parameter Code and Formula Code, are limited to a list of valid codes.  The Client Tool will not allow you to enter invalid values for these fields.  In some cases, the list of valid values for a field is dependent on the value entered for another field.  The dropdown lists for these fields only contain the list of values that are valid based on the value that is entered in the field on which they are dependent.


      See the ECMPS Monitoring Plan Reporting Instructions for more information on appropriate values for particular fields.


Saving Records


When you attempt to save a record, the Client Tool performs two stages of error checking.  In the first stage, screen checks ensure that all key fields contain appropriate data.  If the first stage of checking fails, an add/edit check results window will be displayed and you will be forced to return to the data entry screen.  For more information about a screen check, click the check code link in the check column of the add/edit check results window, which will open the Check Specifications Viewer.


If the data passes the first stage of screen checks, the check engine validation process is initiated to further validate the data.  Some errors generated by the check engine validation process are designated as "fatal."  If the check engine validation generates a "fatal" error, you are not allowed to save the record and you will be forced to return to the data entry screen.  If only non-fatal check engine errors are generated, the error messages are displayed and you may choose to save the record.


The check engine validation process includes the following categories of checks: 


●    Duplicate record checks -- The Client Tool checks for duplicates by comparing test numbers, system/components and end times


●    Field-level range checks


●    Cross-checks between fields within a record


Deleting Records


      To ensure that monitoring plans are valid, you are allowed to correct your monitoring plan data by deleting records.  You may not, however, delete any Stack/Pipe, System, Component, or Formula record that contains a System, Component, or Formula ID that has already been submitted and loaded onto the EPA Host System as part of a QA Test/Certification or emissions record.  If you attempt to delete a Stack/Pipe, System, Component, or Formula record that is found in a QA or emissions record stored in the EPA Host System, you will receive a warning that the record cannot be deleted until the QA records and emissions files containing that ID are deleted.


      If you attempt to delete a monitoring plan record that has dependent records (e.g., System, Component, Monitor Qualification), you will receive a warning that the dependent records will also be deleted.  You can choose whether to proceed with or cancel the deletion.


Evaluating from the Monitoring Plan Data Screen


In the top right corner of the screen, you will see the location dropdown box.  If the monitoring plan data for the location indicated in the location dropdown have been evaluated, the link to the right of the dropdown box will display the highest level of error in the evaluated file.  (The evaluation period for monitoring plan data is from January 1, 2008 until the present.)  If there are no errors, the link displayed will be "No errors."  Click the link to display the Monitoring Plan Evaluation Report.


If the monitoring plan data needs to be evaluated, the link displayed will be "Evaluate Monitoring Plan."  To evaluate the monitoring plan data, click the evaluate monitoring plan link and a pop-up window will appear while the data are being evaluated.  When the evaluation is complete, the Monitoring Plan Evaluation Report will be displayed.


Tutorials:  To watch various tutorials that briefly explain some of the main aspects of the ECMPS Client Tool, visit the ECMPS Support website.


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