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ECMPS Support Blog

LME Tutorial Released

Friday, August 1, 2008

Monitoring Plan Qualification Data WordleMany people contact us about ECMPS, and they want to learn more about what ECMPS is all about. One of the best ways to become familiar with ECMPS in general and the Client Tool in particular is to view the tutorials.

The tutorials are audiovisual presentations which present practical information about ECMPS in portions which can easily be digested. Each topic is generally about 10 minutes in length, and can be viewed as a stand alone tutorial.

The latest installment in the tutorial library is the "Low Mass Emissions (LME)" tutorial. This tutorial steps you through how to use the Client Tool to generate emissions data for an LME configuration.

A number of additional tutorials are planned. At the bottom of the tutorials page, you will see a list of the next several which will released in the near future.

The tutorial may be viewed by clicking on the "ECMPS LME" link on the Tutorials page. In order to view the tutorials, you must have the free Macromedia Flash Viewer installed in your Internet browser. If you are unable to view the tutorials, click on the link under the "How to Watch the Tutorials" heading to install the Flash Viewer.

Unlike the MDC tutorials, the EPA is distributing the ECMPS tutorials via the Internet rather than by providing the tutorials on a CD. However, in order to facilitate distribution of this free resource, the EPA has made the tutorials available to be downloaded. Once downloaded, the tutorials can be saved to a hard drive or burned to a CD. To download the tutorials, click here or click on the "Download Tutorials" link under the "Resources" tab.

As always, we would appreciate your feedback. Please provide your feedback via the feedback form available on the Tutorials page.

Next tutorial: Monitoring Plan Component Data

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LME in the ECMPS Client Tool

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Recently, there have been a number of questions from stakeholders about LME (Low Mass Emissions) units and the ECMPS Client Tool.

The current version of the Client Tool, which is Beta B SP1, does not contain LME functionality because the LME functionality is currently under development. The design for the LME functionality in the Client Tool is similar to what is currently available in MDC. Users will be able to have the tool generate emissions data within the Client Tool based on user inputs of operating time, fuels combusted, unit load, and (if applicable) long term fuel flow. Similar to MDC, the user inputted data can either be entered through a data entry screen in the Client Tool, or the data can be imported into the Client Tool using a CSV file.

The CSV file format for importing operating data will be essentially the same as the current one. However, there will be some small changes to the data included in the file. As soon as the changes to the CSV file have been finalized, the new format will be made available.

In addition, there are plans for an LME testing session this fall for sources with LME units. The exact time for this testing has not been set, but it is tentatively scheduled to begin some time after the second session of Beta testing ends on November 2nd. If you would like to participate in LME testing of the Client Tool, send an email to Laurie DeSantis.



This Web site is the property of Perrin Quarles Associates, Inc. a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.