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ECMPS Support Blog
Emissions XML Schema Changes for RGGI to be included in next Release
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
 The next version of the Client Tool, which is scheduled to be released on December 17, 2008, will include a new version of the emissions XML schema. Version 1.2 of the emissions XML schema will include changes for sources who must report data under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). The RGGI program only affects sources in ten states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. For more information about RGGI, including how to determine if your source is affected, visit the RGGI Web site. Sources who are not affected by RGGI can use either version 1.1 (the current version) or version 1.2 (the new version) of the emissions XML schema. The Client Tool always allows for backward-compatibility which means that XML files based on older versions of the XML schemas can be imported into the Client Tool. The key is to insure that the tag at the beginning of the file reports the version of the XML schema on which the XML file is based. For more information about the XML schema version, see the FAQ on the version tag.
Here is a brief summary of the additions to the emissions XML schema which are included in the new version.
Two changes have been made to DailyEmissionData. First, the element TotalCarbonBurned has been added. Any source who uses the emissions XML schema version 1.2 will need to include this new tag. If the source is not affected by RGGI, the tag should be left empty.
Second, in DailyEmissionData, a reference has been added for the new complex element DailyFuelData. DailyFuelData only applies to RGGI, and sources who do not need to report under RGGI should not include DailyFuelData as a child of DailyEmissionData.
DailyFuelData consists of four elements--FuelCode, DailyFuelFeed, CarbonContentUsed, and FuelCarbonBurned.
Details about all of these changes including what are acceptable values for these elements will be included in the documentation included with the next release. The addendum for the reporting instructions will include information about these data elements, and the changes to the XML schema and the XML schema documentation will be updated to include these new elements.Labels: XML
The Latest Version of the Reporting Instructions are Released
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The XML reporting file format was introduced as part of the project to re-engineer the EPA data systems associated with monitoring plan, QA/cert, and emissions data. To work with the new XML file format, new reporting instructions have been drafted. These instructions provide information on the changes in data reporting and details about how to report in the new XML file format. The new ECMPS reporting instructions will replace the current Electronic Data Reporting (EDR) instructions as ECMPS becomes the required system for data reporting. Today, the latest versions of the Draft ECMPS Reporting Instructions were released by the EPA. The documents page on the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site has been updated to included the latest version of the reporting instructions for monitoring plan, QA/cert, and emissions. Click here to access the documents page. If you would like to view a red line strikeout version of the Reporting Instructions which highlight the differences between the current versions and the versions released in February and March of this year, go to the EPA Web site by clicking here. Note, the clean versions (ones without red line strikeout versions) on the EPA Web site are identical to the reporting instructions on the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site. Labels: Reporting Instructions, XML
More on XML Test Files
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
In the first session of Beta testing, the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site had test files for at least one configuration per tester. There are no test files in this second session. The reasons for this are covered in a previous post. However, a few other questions have been asked regarding test files. These are answered in the latest FAQs found in the Client Tool section. XML Test files were provided for testers in the first session of Beta testing. Why are there no XML test files on the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site?
During session one of Beta testing, XML test files were provided to Beta testers. The reason for this was because there were some known issues related to the Retrieve Module. XML Test files are not being automatically provided in the second session of Beta testing because testers can use the Client Tool to generate their own test files.
To generate XML test files, access the Retrieve Module in the Client Tool. Click on the QA/Cert or the Emission link. Select the data to retrieve. After the data has been retrieve, access the Export Module. Select the data to export. The XML files that are exported can be imported into the Client Tool. Note, if you simply want to work with the data in the Client Tool, it is unnecessary to export the data. Once the data is retrieved, it is in available for viewing and evaluating through the QA and Certification Data Module and the Emissions Data Module. Also, it is unnecessary to retrieve monitoring plan data because it is loaded during the initial synchronization.
Will the XML test files from the first session of Beta testing work in the new version of the Client Tool?
There have been a few changes to the XML schemas for monitoring plan, QA, and emissions since the first session of Beta testing. Although it is possible to import the monitoring plan and QA XML test files from session one, it is not recommended. The emissions files will not import because the changes to the XML schema for emissions was significant enough to prevent the file from passing the XML file validation during the import. Click here for more information about the changes to the XML schemas.
Beta testers can generate their own XML test files, or if they would like, they can request XML test files by sending an email to ecmps-beta@camdsupport.com. For more information about how to generate test files, see the answer to the question, XML Test files were provided for testers in the first session of Beta testing. Why are there no XML test files on the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site? Labels: Beta Testing, FAQ, XML
XML Test Files
Monday, July 30, 2007
As part of registering for Beta testing, Beta testers were asked to provide an ORIS Code and a specific configuration associated with that ORIS Code. To prepare for Beta testers using ECMPS, data for that ORIS Code and specific configuration were loaded on the EPA Host System. As session one Beta testers learned, all of the monitoring plan data associated with that ORIS Code was loaded. For the specific configuration that was designated, all QA tests from 2003 to 2006 and the emissions data for 2006 were also loaded. From these data, XML test files were produced for monitoring plan, QA, and emissions. During session one of Beta testing, these XML test files were made available for download on the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site. In the second session of Beta testing, XML test files will not be provided on the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site. There are two reasons for this. First, many session one testers did not need the test files because they had their own test files to use. Second, Beta testers who do not have their own test files can generate them through the Client Tool. (This uses the same process that we generate the XML test files.) The steps for generating test files through the Client Tool are straightforward. The Beta tester must first retrieve the data (monitoring plan, QA, or emissions) from the EPA Host System through the Retrieve Module in the Client Tool. Then the Beta tester must export the data from the Client Tool to an XML file using the Export Module in the Client Tool. Finally, Beta testers can request test files to be generated, and these will be provided. However, the test files will only be generated for data that were designated by the Beta tester during registration for Beta testing. All requests for XML test files should be sent to . Labels: Beta B, Beta Testing, XML
XML Schema Draft Version 6.0 Released
Thursday, July 26, 2007
In preparation for the Beta B release of the Client Tool, the latest version of the XML schema has been released. In draft version 6.0, there are only minor changes to the monitoring plan and QA schemas. However, the emission schema contains two significant changes. Two elements were removed from the emissions schema. First, DiluentCapIndicator has been removed from DerivedHourlyValueData complex element. This indicator is unnecessary because the use of a diluent cap for NOXR should be indicated by reporting a value of 14 for the MODCCode element. Also, diluent cap can no longer be reported for CO2 and heat input. The second element removed was the MultipleFuelFlag in the HourlyOperatingData complex element. This was removed because it is redundant. The use of multiple fuels can be determined from the data in HourlyFuelFlowData. Because of these two changes, emissions XML files which imported into the Beta A version of the Client Tool will not import into the Beta B version. Changes to the programs that generate emissions XML files must be made in order to produce XML files that will import into the Beta B version of the Client Tool. The new schemas along with the schema description documents, the documents which note the changes from the previous version, and example XML files can be found here on the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site or here at the EPA Web site. Labels: Beta B, XML
Change to main Web site page
Monday, July 23, 2007
In preparation for the beginning of the second session of Beta testing, the main page of the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site has been changed. The links to the downloads which applied to the first session of testing have been removed. These links included the installation for the software and several documents related to testing in the first session. Links for downloading the Reporting Instructions, Check Specifications, and XML Schema document are still available. However, as mentioned previously, new versions of the Reporting Instructions and the XML Schema document will be released in conjunction with the Beta B release of the software. The Check Specifications will also be updated for Beta B. More information on that will be included in a future "Coming Features" post. Labels: Beta B, Check Specifications, Reporting Instructions, XML
Coming Soon: New Versions of XML Schemas and Reporting Instructions for Beta B
Friday, July 20, 2007
As the second session of Beta testing nears, we continue to put ECMPS through its paces in order to prepare the Client Tool for the full round of testing which will occur in August and September. In conjunction with the new release, updated versions of both the reporting instructions and the XML schema documentation will be released. Once these have been put on the EPA Web site, they will be added to the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site. In addition, the release of these documents will also be announced on this blog. The changes between the previous version released in February and the new version of the XML schemas are relatively minor. All three schemas have a few revisions to the validation types. For the monitoring plan schema and the QA schema, these are the only changes. The emissions schema contains the most significant changes. In this schema, two elements were dropped. First, DiluentCapIndicator has been removed from DerivedHourlyValueData complex element. This indicator is unnecessary because the use of a diluent cap for NOXR should be indicated by reporting a value of 14 for the MODCCode element. Also, diluent cap can no longer be reported for CO2 and heat input. The second element removed was the MultipleFuelFlag in the HourlyOperatingData complex element. This was removed because it is redundant. The use of multiple fuels can be determined from the data in HourlyFuelFlowData. Because of these two changes, emissions XML files which imported into the Beta A version of the Client Tool will not import into the Beta B version. Changes to the programs that generate emissions XML files must be made in order to produce XML files that will import into the Beta B version of the Client Tool. The reporting instructions for monitoring plan, QA, and emissions will be released in both a complete format and a redline strikeout format which will show the differences from the previous version. Labels: Beta B, Reporting Instructions, XML
How to View and Edit XML Files
Thursday, June 14, 2007
A recent entry was made on the FAQ page related to what software could be used to work with the XML files. Here is the question and the answer: How can I view and edit my XML files?
Microsoft offers a free application which allows you to view and edit XML files. The software is XML Notepad 2007 and it is available by clicking here. The link provided will give you more information about XML Notepad including an overview of its features, system requirements, and instructions for downloading and installing the software. If you have any questions about XML or anything else related to ECMPS, please send an email to . Labels: FAQ, XML
This Web site is the property of Perrin Quarles Associates, Inc. a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.