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ECMPS Support Blog
Advice for Submitters who are Running Out of Time
Thursday, April 30, 2009
 Although a large percentage of 2009Q1 emission submissions have been received, there are a large number that are outstanding. That means that many people will be scrambling today to try to finish up their submissions. There is no need to panic. For our part, at technical support, we will answer as many questions as we can. However, if you are submitting a technical support request today, please remember that you are arriving late to the queue and your question may not be answered as fast as you would like. If you find yourself in the last minute mode trying to complete your submissions, please consult the information in the FAQ on what do if you are running out of time to submit. Labels: FAQ
The Relationship between Testing Data and Official Data
Monday, November 5, 2007
Throughout testing, testers have asked the question about the relationship between the test data and their official data. Generally, testers have wanted to know if corrections which are made to the test data will affect their official data. The answer is that the test data is based on the official data, but it is no longer linked to the official data in any way that would affect the official data. The test data was loaded in July of this year based on a "snapshot" of the official data. However, after being copied from the official data, the test data has been put in a separate database which is in no way connected to the official data. As a result, any changes made to test data will not affect official data. The answer to this question is also provided in a FAQ under the General section. Do changes made to data during Beta testing affect official data?
All of the data used during Beta testing is simply test data. Consequently, the data used during Beta testing cannot affect official data which has been submitted to the EPA. There is no active connection between Beta testing data and official data.
The test data that is part of Beta testing was copied from the official data. As a copy, it reflects the official data as of early July 2007. Any changes made to official data after that time will not be seen in the Beta testing data.
As you work with your Beta testing data, you might find some of your data which need to be corrected in the official version. In order for the data to be corrected in official data, you are encouraged to make the corrections to your EDRs and include these corrections in your subsequent submissions of official data. Labels: Database, FAQ
Submitting Data with Critical Errors
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Recently one of the Beta testers raised a question about using the option to submit data with critical errors. He wanted to understand what exactly happens when data is submitted with critical errors. To answer that question, a new FAQ has been added. Am I able to submit my data even if the data still have critical errors?
The current method which allows files to be submitted has been carried forward into ECMPS. All files that are submitted must meet a basic level of quality in order to allow useful feedback to be provided. Much of the enforcement of the minimum requirements are provided through the import and add/edit functionality of the Client Tool.
While the current mainframe-based checking is built around status codes, the ECMPS checking process is being developed around levels of severity. The level of severity of a check and its resulting error message will dictate whether the data may be submitted. The severity levels are fatal error, critical error-level 1, critical error-level 2, non-critical, and informational.
By default, the Client Tool will only make data available for submission which has errors that are critical error-level 2, non-critical, and informational. After submission of the data to the EPA Host System, the XML file that was submitted to the EPA Host System will be archived, the data will be loaded into the EPA Host System, and both the Client Tool and the EPA will have a record of the data having been received.
Data with fatal errors cannot be submitted because the data will cause referential integrity errors. If necessary, a source may elect to submit data which has critical error-level 1 errors. The data will be received by the EPA Host System as an XML file. The XML file will be archived and both the Client Tool and the EPA will have a record of the data having been received. However, the data will not be loaded into the EPA Host System. As a result, The data will not be available to any other EPA resources or installations of the Client Tool because these rely upon the data being in the EPA Host System database. Sources will need to resolve the critical level 1 errors and resubmit the data.
It is recommended that this submission of data with critical errors only be done when absolutely necessary. An example of that might be when any critical error level 1 errors cannot be resolved in time to be the regulatory submission deadline.
For more information about severity levels, click here. Labels: FAQ
Organizing the FAQs
Monday, September 24, 2007
The FAQs on the ECMPS Beta Web site represent questions and answers to issues that have been raised in Beta testing and during internal testing. As posts to this Blog indicate, new FAQs are added regularly. To make it easier to find the answer to a question, the FAQs are divided into five categories: Installation, Logging In, Client Tool, Reporting, and General. In order to make it even easier to navigate through the various questions and answers, at the top of each of the FAQ pages, links to each question have been added. To view the entire FAQ, simply click on the link. The page will adjust to the question and answer you selected. Labels: FAQ
ECMPS Client Tool Version Number
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Service Pack 1 release of Beta B is scheduled to be released before the end of September. With the new release, there might be questions about what version a tester has installed. There is a new FAQ to help explain how a tester would determine what version of the software the tester has installed. How can I tell what version of the Client Tool I have installed?
The version of the software can be determined from several places in the Client Tool. The first way is by selecting the About ECMPS Client Tool from the Help menu. The version is displayed on the screen that is displayed. The second way is by viewing the main screen in the Client Tool. The version number is displayed on the right side in the middle of the screen. To get to the main screen, simply click the Home icon located to the right of the Help menu. One other way to view the version number is through the initial screen that appears the first time the Client Tool is started after installation. The version number is displayed in the lower left of the welcome screen. Labels: FAQ
Session One Beta Testers and Log In Problems
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Beta testers who also tested in session one need to be sure to install the new version of the Client Tool which is the Beta B version. The two versions--Beta A and Beta A Service Pack 1--from the first session of Beta testing will not allow you to connect to the EPA Host System. The details about this are included in a new FAQ in the Logging In section. I am not able to log in. Whenever I attempt to log in, I receive the error message, "Either you have no facilities for which you are responsible or there was an error contacting the EPA Host System." Why I am not able to log in?
This error message will occur if you attempt to log in using a Beta A version of the Client Tool. To verify that you are using an old version of the software, look at the date for the file \\Program Files\PQA\ECMPS\ECMPS_Client_Tool.exe. The date should not be before August 2007.
To correct the problem, install the latest version of the Client Tool by following the instructions on the Getting Started page. Labels: FAQ
Working with a Multiple User System
Friday, September 7, 2007
Recently, a stakeholder asked the question of how to set up ECMPS to allow multiple users to work with the same data. He was concerned about how to limit the ability of users to submit data through ECMPS. A FAQ which addresses these questions was added to the General section. How can I set up a system to allow multiple users to work with the same data?
There are two ways to set up a multiple user system for the ECMPS Client Tool. The first is to use a shared network local ECMPS database. Each user would connect to the shared network database through each user's copy of the Client Tool. Thus, any changes made by one user would automatically be available for any other user who connected to the same shared database. Through the CAMD Business System, users could be assigned rights that would allow them to retrieve, view, and edit the data, but would prevent them from submitting the data.
The second multiple user system utilizes ECMPS Client Tools with their own local ECMPS database. Each person who has been granted access to Unit X at Facility Y will be able to synchronize the data associated with Unit X at Facility Y through his copy of the Client Tool. In other words, everyone will synchronize through the EPA Host System. As in the first scenario, rights can be assigned that prevent submission of data but provide users the ability to do everything else. A business process scenario might look like this:
- The user at the plant logs on to Client Tool which automatically synchronizes his local ECMPS database with any changes submitted from the corporate office.
- The user at the plant imports in to his Client Tool the XML file to be reported. Then the user at the plant evaluates the newly imported data. This process is repeated until the data evaluates without any critical errors.
- The user at the plant sends the XML file to the corporate office.
- The user at the corporate office imports in to his Client Tool the XML file and evaluates it. After verifying that the data does not have any critical errors, the data is submitted to EPA through the Client Tool.
- The next time the user at the plant logs on to the Client Tool, the data that was submitted will be automatically retrieved from the EPA Host System and added to his Client Tool database.
In this scenario, the user at the plant would not have rights to submit the data, but he could retrieve and synchronize any data to which he has been assigned access rights through the CAMD Business System.
Labels: Database, FAQ, Synchronization
Database Backup and Restore
Friday, August 31, 2007
The database backup and restore utilities that are new to the Beta B release were highlighted in a previous post. However, the FAQ on how to use the backup and restore to restored the Client Tool database to its original state needed to be updated. The new version of this FAQ is in the Client Tool section of the FAQs. How can I restore my database to its original state without reinstalling the ECMPS Client Tool?
During Beta testing, it might become necessary to start over with a fresh database. In order to do that, complete the following steps:- Close the ECMPS Client Tool, if it is open.
- Backup up your current database using the Database Backup Utility. The Database Backup Utility is accessed from the ECMPS Configuration Utility. The ECMPS Configuration Utility can be opened from the Windows Start menu. Select Start | All Programs | Perrin Quarles Associates | ECMPS Client | ECMPS Configuration Utility. (Or it can be accessed from \\PROGRAM FILES\PQA\ECMPS\ECMPS_CLIENT_CONFIG.EXE).
In the ECMPS Configuration Utility, select Database Backup from the Maintenance menu. - Use the Browse button to select a folder to where the database will be backed up. Note, the backup files can be saved to any folder.
- Click the Backup Databases button to backup the database.
- Restore the database to its original state by using the Database Restore Utility. The Database Restore Utility is accessed from the ECMPS Configuration Utility. The ECMPS Configuration Utility can be opened from the Windows Start menu. Select Start | All Programs | Perrin Quarles Associates | ECMPS Client | ECMPS Configuration Utility. (Or it can be accessed from \\PROGRAM FILES\PQA\ECMPS\ECMPS_CLIENT_CONFIG.EXE). In the ECMPS Configuration Utility, select Database Restore from the Maintenance menu.
- All three of the database backup files named FRESH in the folder \\PROGRAM FILES\PQA\ECMPS\DATABASESETUP\ need to be restored. Select these by using the Browse button. The default
setting of C:\PROGRAM FILES\PQA\ECMPS\DATA for the data directory does not need to be changed. - Click the Restore Databases button to restore the databases.
- Restoring the database to its original state will delete any data in the ECMPS Client Tool database. The next time you start the ECMPS Client Tool, you will need perform the steps involved in the initial login.
Please note, this will delete any data in your ECMPS Client Tool database. Before using the Restore Database Utility, use the Backup Utility to save any data that you do not want deleted. Labels: Database, FAQ
Beta Testing and Official Data
Thursday, August 30, 2007
There seems to be some confusion about the data which is being used during Beta testing. We have heard some concerns that changes to the data used during Beta testing will affect official data. The fact is that all of the data used during Beta testing is simply test data. In addition, the data used during Beta testing cannot affect official data that has been submitted to the EPA. There is no active connection between Beta testing data and official data. The test data that is part of Beta testing was copied from the official data. As a copy, it reflects the official data as of early July 2007. Any changes made to official data after that time will not be seen in the Beta testing data. As testers work with their Beta testing data, they might see some of their data that need to be corrected in the official version. In order for the data to be corrected in official data, testers are encouraged to make the corrections to their EDRs and include these corrections in their subsequent submissions. A FAQ on this topic has been added to the General section. Do changes made to data during Beta testing affect official data?
All of the data used during Beta testing is simply test data. Consequently, the data used during Beta testing cannot affect official data which has been submitted to the EPA. There is no active connection between Beta testing data and official data.
The test data that is part of Beta testing was copied from the official data. As a copy, it reflects the official data as of early July 2007. Any changes made to official data after that time will not be seen in the Beta testing data.
As you work with your Beta testing data, you might find some of your data which need to be corrected in the official version. In order for the data to be corrected in official data, you are encouraged to make the corrections to your EDRs and include these corrections in your subsequent submissions of official data. Labels: Beta Testing, Database, FAQ
Renumbering of Test Numbers
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
As Beta testers have probably noticed, the QA test numbers for previously submitted data have all been renumbered. When the data was loaded on the EPA Host System for Beta testing, the QA test numbers had to be renumbered in order to meet the new reporting requirements that state that each test number be unique for a given monitoring location and test type. For more information on the renumbering view the new FAQ in the Reporting section: The test numbers for my QA tests have been renumbered. Why are the tests renumbered and what does that mean for reporting?
Under the new QA reporting instructions, tests must use a unique test number for each test type for each monitoring location. Many of the previously submitted QA tests do not conform to this standard. In order to be able to load the data into the EPA Host System, the tests had to be renumbered.
In preparing for the production release of ECMPS, the previously submitted QA data will be loaded with renumbered test numbers. As sources begin to report data using ECMPS, they must apply the new test number requirement. The test number field has been enlarged to allow up to 18 characters. This change should assist sources in reporting unique numbers for a given location and test type, and also give sources the flexibility to develop their own numbering system for their data management needs. Labels: FAQ, Reporting Instructions
More Information on getting Technical Support
Thanks to the Beta testers we have been able to identify a number of Client Tool issues that have either been addressed or will soon be addressed. These changes will be incorporated into a later release that is scheduled to take place before the end of the second session of Beta testing (October 5, 2007). As testers who have requested technical support know, we are using help desk software to track all of the calls and emails we receive. This allows us to insure that we follow-up on every question and issue that the Beta testers submit. We would ask that testers please let us know if they do not receive any follow-up from either a call or an email. As testers continue to work with their data, we would make one recommendation regarding getting technical support. In order to expedite getting support, we would recommend that testers attach all the relevant files to the email requesting technical support. For example, if you have a question about a monitoring plan evaluation check, send along the PDF of your monitoring plan evaluation report and an export of the monitoring plan data that was evaluated. Or if you get some type of system error, send along a screen shot of the error message. Simply attaching the relevant files should help us to more quickly assist testers by avoiding the emails back-and-forth to get the information we need to diagnose the problem. The FAQ in the General section on technical support has been updated with this recommendation: How can I get technical support?
Technical support is available by contacting PQA via email at ecmps-beta@camdsupport.com or by calling (434) 979-3700 ext. 0. Telephone support is available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m EDT.
If you are a source and your question is related to data provided by your DAHS vendor, please check with your DAHS vendor first to determine if the data problem is related to the DAHS rather than a problem with the Client Tool.
Attach any related files to your email. For example, questions related to evaluation checks should include the PDF of the evaluation report and the exported XML file of the data. Or, for a system crash, include a screen shot of the error.
For any questions related to a computer system crash, please contact PQA for technical support before continuing to test. Labels: Beta Testing, FAQ
More on XML Test Files
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
In the first session of Beta testing, the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site had test files for at least one configuration per tester. There are no test files in this second session. The reasons for this are covered in a previous post. However, a few other questions have been asked regarding test files. These are answered in the latest FAQs found in the Client Tool section. XML Test files were provided for testers in the first session of Beta testing. Why are there no XML test files on the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site?
During session one of Beta testing, XML test files were provided to Beta testers. The reason for this was because there were some known issues related to the Retrieve Module. XML Test files are not being automatically provided in the second session of Beta testing because testers can use the Client Tool to generate their own test files.
To generate XML test files, access the Retrieve Module in the Client Tool. Click on the QA/Cert or the Emission link. Select the data to retrieve. After the data has been retrieve, access the Export Module. Select the data to export. The XML files that are exported can be imported into the Client Tool. Note, if you simply want to work with the data in the Client Tool, it is unnecessary to export the data. Once the data is retrieved, it is in available for viewing and evaluating through the QA and Certification Data Module and the Emissions Data Module. Also, it is unnecessary to retrieve monitoring plan data because it is loaded during the initial synchronization.
Will the XML test files from the first session of Beta testing work in the new version of the Client Tool?
There have been a few changes to the XML schemas for monitoring plan, QA, and emissions since the first session of Beta testing. Although it is possible to import the monitoring plan and QA XML test files from session one, it is not recommended. The emissions files will not import because the changes to the XML schema for emissions was significant enough to prevent the file from passing the XML file validation during the import. Click here for more information about the changes to the XML schemas.
Beta testers can generate their own XML test files, or if they would like, they can request XML test files by sending an email to ecmps-beta@camdsupport.com. For more information about how to generate test files, see the answer to the question, XML Test files were provided for testers in the first session of Beta testing. Why are there no XML test files on the ECMPS Beta Testing Web site? Labels: Beta Testing, FAQ, XML
More Data for Testing
Monday, August 13, 2007
During signup for Beta testing, Beta testers were requested to select a particular configuration for testing. The reason for this was to limit the amount of data that needed to be loaded on the EPA Host System. For each configuration submitted, monitoring plan, QA, and emissions data were loaded. As would seem fairly obvious, the data which can take a long time to load is the emissions data. We continue to improve the data loading performance, but it will still take a significant amount of time to load all of the emissions data that will need to be in place prior to the production release. The monitoring plan data, on the other hand, does not take very long to load. Because of this, all monitoring plan data are currently loaded on the EPA Host System, and they are available to be accessed as long as a Beta tester has the access rights to the data. (Note, the monitoring plan data on the EPA Host System for Beta testing are from a "snapshot" taken in July of the current monitoring plan data. Any changes to the monitoring plan data made recently will not be reflected in the data seen in the Client Tool.) The way that the Client Tool is designed, with access to the monitoring plan data, the Beta testers can work with any QA and emissions data that they can import into the Client Tool. To provide Beta testers with more data, we can provide testers with access to additional monitoring plan data. Note, the access with not include QA and emissions data that can be retrieved from the EPA Host System. For more data, send an email to . This is summarized in a new FAQ in the Client Tool section. I do not see data for one of my facilities. How do I get access to data for that facility?
When Beta testers signed up for Beta testing, they were asked to indicate a configuration which they would like to test. This was done by submitting a facililty (by ORIS code) and configuration in their request to participate in Beta testing. This information was used for loading the data on the EPA Host System. For each configuration that was indicated, monitoring plan, QA, and emissions data were loaded.
However, access to the data is provided on a facility level. If a facility has more than one unit, the tester will have access to all of the units associated with that facility. The difference is that QA and emissions data will not be in the EPA Host System for these other units. That does not limit a tester from working with data associated withe these units. The monitoring plan data will be automatically retrieved from the EPA Host System, and the tester can work with QA and emissions data by importing it into their Client Tool.
Beyond the facility which was indicated in the request to participate in Beta testing, there might be additional facilities that you would like to test. In that case, send an email with the ORIS code to . Labels: FAQ
Installing and Uninstalling
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
One of the challenges of software development and testing is installation. With each new version of the software, the installation package must handle any obsolete items that a tester might have installed on his computer. The Beta B installation has to handle three older versions of the Client Tool software: Alpha, Beta A, and Beta A SP1. To help testers who might have one of those versions on their computer, a couple of FAQs have been added to the Installation section. I participated in the first Beta testing session. Will I need to uninstall the Client Tool prior to installing the new version of the Client Tool?
The installation program for the new version of the Client Tool will perform all of the necessary uninstalling of software prior to installing the Beta B version of the Client Tool. Testers should not use the Windows Add/Remove functionality to uninstall the Client Tool or any of its supporting software.
Note, however, that any data in the database cannot be preserved with the new installation. The installation of the new version requires that the Client Tool database be overwritten with an empty database. I participated in Alpha testing last year, but I did not participate in the first Beta testing session. Will I need to uninstall the Client Tool prior to installing the new version of the Client Tool?
There have been a number of changes between the Alpha version and the Beta version. However, for installation purposes, the only software that needs to be manually uninstalled is the Microsoft Report Viewer. After the Report Viewer has been uninstalled, the Beta B Client Tool installation can be run, and the Beta B installation will handle uninstalling any other Client Tool software from the Alpha version. Click here for instructions on how to manually uninstall Microsoft Report Viewer.
Note, the Beta B installation will install a brand new database. No data from the Alpha version will be preserved. Note, that for any service pack version released during the second session of testing, it will not be necessary to uninstall or reinstall the Client Tool. Instead, testers will be able to upgrade to the new version without losing data using the Update Utility. Labels: Beta B, FAQ
Providing Feedback
Friday, August 3, 2007
It looks like a number of testers are as eager to get started testing as we are to release the Client Tool for testing. Over the past several weeks we have received several requests to participate in testing, and a number of people have contacted us to ask for the installation of the new version. Although we have had to ask people to wait just a little while longer to get the new version, we appreciate the enthusiasm. We think that the new version is much improved from even the Beta A release that was available in the first session. And for those who last saw the Alpha version released last year, you will notice many new areas of functionality. One of the reasons for the continued improvement is the feedback that we have received from testers both of the Alpha and Beta versions. In the first session of Beta testing, a number of testers provided us with feedback that included bugs and enhancement requests. The bugs that were identified by session one testers should be fixed in the Beta B release. Also, a number of the enhancement requests that were made by session one testers have been added to the new version. The ones that did not make this version are under consideration for a future release. For the second session, there will be two ways to provide feedback. The details of this are included in a new FAQ in the General section. How can I provide feedback on my testing of the Client Tool?
An important part of Beta testing is receiving feedback from the Beta testers. All of the comments provided by Beta testers are reviewed by EPA and used to improve ECMPS.
In order to provide Beta testers with some flexibility in providing feedback, there will be two formats for giving feedback. The first format will be a Microsoft Word document that allows users to provide as much feedback as they would like regarding specific areas of the Client Tool. For instance, there is a section for providing feedback on the Evaluate module of the Client Tool. This document will be posted on the Web site soon after the second session of Beta testing begins.
The second format is a planned on-line feedback form that will be similar to the Microsoft Word document by allowing testers plenty of room to add their comments. As soon as this is available, a link to the feedback form will be put on the Web site and an entry will be made in the Blog announcing its availability.
Testers are also encouraged to provide feedback whenever they contact technical support via email or telephone. All of these comments will also be noted and used to help improve the Client Tool. Labels: Beta B, Beta Testing, FAQ
Technical Support
As the start of the second session of Beta testing draws closer, new FAQs continue to be added to the Web site. The latest FAQ provides information about how to obtain technical assistance for the Client Tool during Beta testing. It is located under the General section of the FAQ. How can I get technical support?
Technical support is available by contacting PQA via email at or by calling (434) 979-3700 ext. 0. Telephone support is available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m EDT.
If you are a source and your question is related to data provided by your DAHS vendor, please check with your DAHS vendor first to determine if the data problem is related to the DAHS rather than a problem with the Client Tool.
For any questions related to a computer system crash, please contact PQA for technical support before continuing to test. Note, that every request for technical support, whether received via email or by a telephone call, is entered into our Help Desk software and tracked until a satisfactory resolution is reached. Labels: Beta B, Beta Testing, FAQ
Beta B and Uninstalling the Beta A Client Tool
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
The second session of Beta testing is open to everyone who tested in the first session. That means that a number of Beta testers will already have the previous version (Beta A SP1) installed on their computer. With the updates to the installation program, these testers will not need to uninstall the previous version of the Client Tool prior to installing the new version. Instead, this will all be handled by the installation program. If the installation program detects a previous version of the Client Tool, it will first run the uninstall, and then it will install a new version of the Client Tool. There is no need to use the Add/Remove programs in Windows Control Panel. In fact, you do not want to use that. Instead, let the installation take care of removing the old Client Tool and adding the new. It should be noted that the data in the database of the previous version will not be maintained during the installation. The new installation will replace the database with a new one that is suited for Beta B. All of this summarized in a new FAQ filed under the Installation category: I participated in the first Beta testing session. Will I need to uninstall the Client Tool prior to installing the new version of the Client Tool?
The installation program for the new version of the Client Tool will perform all of the necessary uninstalling of software prior to installing the Beta B version of the Client Tool. Testers should not use the Windows Add/Remove functionality to uninstall the Client Tool or any of its supporting software.
Note, however, that any data in the database cannot be preserved with the new installation. The installation of the new version requires that the Client Tool database be overwritten with an empty database. Labels: Beta B, FAQ
Microsoft Security Bug Causes Printer Problem
In the first session of Beta testing, one of the Beta testers encountered a printing problem that left us puzzled because we were not able to duplicate it. Then about a week ago, one of our testers inadvertently duplicated the problem when he attempted to print an Evaluation Report. Immediately after he hit the print button, his computer crashed. After some investigation, we learned that the problem can occur when a user attempts to print from the Client Tool to certain printers. We have been able to duplicate by attempting to print an Evaluation Report to an HP 4300 series printer. Apparently, there are other printers that can cause the problem, but this printer is similar to the one reported by the session one Beta tester. Fortunately, there is a fix. The cause is a bug with a Microsoft security update for Windows XMP. The solution is to download and install a patch from Microsoft. Also, although the error causes a crash, the problem does not seem to be widespread. Among all of the testers who printed from the Client Tool, we only heard of the one problem in session one. This information is summarized in a new FAQ filed under the General category: When I try to print my Evaluation Report, I get the Windows "Blue Screen of Death" and my computer crashes. How can I print my report?
This is a known Microsoft operating system error that is associated with several printers, including the HP 4300 series. To install the fix from Microsoft click here, and download and install the file WindowsXP-KB935843-x86-ENU.exe. Labels: FAQ
How to delete all of the data from the Client Tool Database
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A new FAQ has been added which explains how to wipe all of the data out of your database without having to reinstall. How can I restore my database to its original state without reinstalling the ECMPS Client Tool?
During Beta testing, it might become necessary to start over with a fresh database. In order to do that, complete the following steps:
- Backup any data you want to save by using the export functionality of the ECMPS Client Tool.
- Close the ECMPS Client Tool, if it is open.
- Double-click on the file ECMPSDATABASESETUP.EXE. This will start the application "Format SQL Client Databases".
- Click the FORMAT button to format the database.
- The formatting is complete when the last entry in the window reads "Done". If necessary, click the FORMAT button additional times until the last entry in the window reads "Done".
- Formatting the databases will delete any data in the ECMPS Client Tool database. The next time you start the ECMPS Client Tool, you will need to follow the steps for the initial login which are included in the ECMPS Beta Installation Guide.
Please note, this will delete any data in your ECMPS Client Tool database. Backup any data you want to save by using the export functionality of the ECMPS Client Tool. If you have any questions about how to export your data to back it up or how to follow these instructions, send an email to . Labels: Database, FAQ
How to View and Edit XML Files
Thursday, June 14, 2007
A recent entry was made on the FAQ page related to what software could be used to work with the XML files. Here is the question and the answer: How can I view and edit my XML files?
Microsoft offers a free application which allows you to view and edit XML files. The software is XML Notepad 2007 and it is available by clicking here. The link provided will give you more information about XML Notepad including an overview of its features, system requirements, and instructions for downloading and installing the software. If you have any questions about XML or anything else related to ECMPS, please send an email to . Labels: FAQ, XML
This Web site is the property of Perrin Quarles Associates, Inc. a contractor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.