I can't view my facilities (about Designated Representatives and Agents).
To access data in the Client Tool, you must be associated with the data as:
-- a designated representative (DR),
-- an ECMPS agent,
-- a CAMD analyst,
-- a regional analyst, or
-- a state analyst.
DRs are associated with facilities through the various programs (e.g., ARP, TRNOX, etc.). The DR is ultimately responsible for data being submitted to EPA to meet regulatory requirements.
A DR may assign an ECMPS agent to act on the DR's behalf. As an agent, a user can access the data associated with the DR. In order to accommodate the various business models of sources, the EPA has provided some flexibility in how ECMPS agents can be assigned.
The agent types, with their respective ECMPS Client Tool authority, are as follows:
- Retrieve Monitoring Plan, QA and Emissions Data Agents (or, simply, "Retrieve Agents"). May retrieve monitoring plan, QA and emissions data from the EPA host system, and load it into their ECMPS Client Tools. Retrieve agents have access to all facilities and units for a representative. They may only RETRIEVE data from the EPA host system, and cannot SUBMIT up to the EPA host system.
- Submit Monitoring Plan Data Agents. May SUBMIT monitoring plan data from the ECMPS Client Tool up to the EPA host system, for all assigned units.
- Submit Monitoring Plan and QA Data Agents. May SUBMIT monitoring plan and QA data from the ECMPS Client Tool up to the EPA host system, for all assigned units. (It is not necessary to additionally assign this agent as a "Submit Monitoring Plan Data" agent).
- Submit Monitoring Plan, QA and Emissions Data Agents. May SUBMIT monitoring plan, QA and emissions data from the ECMPS Client Tool up to the EPA host system, for all assigned units. (It is not necessary to additionally assign this agent as a "Submit Monitoring Plan Data" or "Submit Monitoring Plan and QA Data" agent.
More information can be found on EPA's CAMD Web page "Assigning Agents".
CAMD, regional, and state analysts are associated with particular facilities through CAMD's Source Management System application. Analysts do not have permission to submit data through the Client Tool to the EPA Host System.
Tags: agents, CBS, programs
Last update: 2020-04-30 19:02